Saturday 15 April 2017

Task 10

What is film distribution?
 This is everything that happens in between production (making the film) and exhibition  (watching the film).

What is the distributors role?
A film distributor is responsible for the marketing of a film. The distribution company is usually different from the production company.

What is a distribution plan?

What is a P&A budget?
Production budget of Prints and Advertising (P&A)

What is the average cost of marketing for a big six film?
 From around $100 million to $200 million

What is a simultaneous film release?
Simultaneous release is the name given to an experimental new method of making movies available to consumers.
Traditionally, movies are released first in cinemas. A DVD release follows some months later.
Simultaneous releasing of a movie removes these windows: the movie is released to cinemas and other channels such as DVD, internet and television on or around the same date.

What are some main distribution companies 
       Antidote Films.
       Madman Entertainment.
       Roadshow Films.
       Paramount Pictures/Universal Pictures.
       Lionsgate Australia.
       20th Century Fox/Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer.
       Titan View.
       Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures.

What is a target market audience? What is audience positioning?
A target market is a select group of potential or current consumers, which a business decides to aim its marketing and advertising strategies at in order to sell a product or service

All media text have a series of encoded signs and messages The audience decode these messages. Different audiences will decode them differently/Media texts and the industries are acutely aware of their audiences.

What is self distribution?

When you distribute the film yourself